All in the Family: DNA Testing

Genealogy is my pastime when I’m not knitting and binge watching a show on Netflix. For Mother’s Day, my son bought me a DNA kit from Ancestry. I was so excited about taking the test because I wanted to break through some brick walls on both sides of my family. It took me several years to get over the fear of someone handling my DNA other than my doctor. 

All in the Family: DNA Testing

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Last year, a friend told me that Ancestry had the kits on sale. Mind you, she and her husband had not taken the test because they too had fears, but I checked out the price anyway. I began researching what goes into the handling and processing of one’s DNA. 

After reading several qualified genealogist’s remarks about using DNA for genealogy, I began thinking I ought to do this.

One remark went something like this… we leave our DNA everywhere we go. Whether it is at the doctor/dentist office, the grocery store, and the hair salon. So if anyone wanted our DNA, it is easily accessible.

Another remark which made me laugh went something like this… we can’t hide from the government unless we are living on a deserted island. If the government wanted my DNA, they would send a creepy detective to dig through my garbage can and follow my every move.

Both remarks are true. But I was more concerned with being cloned like Dolly the sheep. The world can’t handle another me because they have always told me, I’m one of a kind. 

Since receiving my DNA results, I have found links to aunts, uncles, and cousins. Some of which my parents remember their names from their childhood. I have found promising leads to several grandmothers whom I didn’t have a maiden name. There are still 2 brick walls I’m working on, but because of taking the DNA test, I know one day, I will break those walls.

A funny thing that happened with me doing a DNA kit, both my parents have done theirs and we are waiting on their results, even after both of them saying, no. The only thing my mom has said, “don’t tell me about any skeletons in my family.” While I will honor her request, my dad wants to know everything; especially where his family comes from.

With AncestryDNA, you do have to have an Ancestry account, so you can activate your kit. Once activated and received, you can log on and see the process.

When you sign up, you will have to read about how they handle and process the sample and who has access to it.

Gathering your DNA is very simple. You spit into a tube (or swab the inside of both cheeks with the kit from Family Tree DNA, which my dad did also), close the tube and place it in the zip-top bag and return it in the box included. The cost of the kit includes return shipping.

All in the Family: DNA Testing
All in the Family: DNA Testing
All in the Family: DNA Testing

The price of a kit is $99. But if you watch around the holidays, the price will drop to about $59. So keep an eye out on a sale or you can go through Rakuten and earn a little back on your purchase.

While I am not an expert on DNA testing nor can I promise the government will not knock on your door regarding connections to your DNA. I am simply a wife and mom who has taken the next step to learn more about her family’s ancestry.